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Silver Dominant Authority Coaching Program
1 year contract period Total Value: $9,000 LinkedIn Profile Makeover Value: $500 1 year of Laser Coaching Value: $1997 MD Digital Call/Text widget Value: = $1,500 ($125/month) 3 Press Releases per year Value: $3,000 ($1,000 per...
Regular price $3,000.00 $3,000.00
Gold Dominant Authority Coaching Program
EVERYTHING FROM SILVER PLUS: 1 year contract period Total Value: $24,000 LinkedIn Profile Makeover: $500 1 year of Laser Coaching: $1997 Group Mastermind 4 per month, 1st and 3rd Thursday at 11AM...
Regular price $18,000.00 $18,000.00
Platinum Dominant Authority Coaching Program
EVERYTHING FROM SILVER AND GOLD PLUS: 1 year contract period Total Value: $44,200 LinkedIn Profile Makeover: $500 Premium Laser Coaching: $1997 Group Mastermind 4 per month, 1st and 3rd Thursday at 11AM and 6PM (EST)...
Regular price $30,000.00 $30,000.00